After a few long years, we are once again back in our beloved Lourmah Barangay Hall. This place gives us a sense of nostalgia, the old creaking stairs, the white chipping paint, the old rusty non-nonfunctioning payphones, and of course the cold and refreshing tap water that is directly supplied by the Mahayag cold spring brings back memories from when we were just first year medical students. Going back to this place really makes me feel the passage of time, we are now fourth year medical students, and a lot has changed, but we are still welcomed by our beloved barangay officials, and they remember us as if it were only yesterday we were with them. During our first week, we concentrated on reestablishing rapport with community members and settling in, which was not difficult because the people were so welcoming and accommodating. We also reestablished our rapport with the sanguaniang bayan and the employees as the rural health unit. We ate our favorite halo-halo from El’s eatery, and we found a new eating place that serves a very comforting Gotto.
