The Lourmah Elementary School invited us to head a program called Oplan Kalusugan for elementary students. The program is revolved around healthy habits such as eating healthy and hand and dental hygiene. The program started with an oath taking for students wherein they pledged to perform proper hand hygiene. Together with them, we painted our hands and hand paint on the "pledge tree". We also role played for the children regarding the importance of dental hygiene. Then we had a dance number where the steps include the moves for proper hand hygiene technique. Not only that, but there are games as well and giveaway health kits for the children consisting of hand soaps, toothbrushes, and toothpastes. After a half day of moving around, we had lunch with the teachers where they served delicious and nutritious food. The kids were also fed with nutritious food.

Rain or shine, LourmaHataw Zumba Session pulls through! Dancing with our Zumba Queen, Ma'am Elona Rodriguez.

On February 5th, we also celebrate the birthday of one of our beloved Barangay Nutrition Scholar, Ma'am Merigen Naquila. An integral part of the team, a healthy Lourmah will not be achieved without her help and efforts. Happy happy birthday, ma'am!
