Aside from attending purok meetings, we also celebrated the Philippines' Independence Day in Mahayag. It was such as honor to be able to stand loud and proud as we commemorate this great day and sing the National Anthem of the Philippines with our batchmates and the Officials of the Municipality.

This week, the team also held a Vermiclass for the Farmer's Organization. Sir Jason Ilumba from the Department of Agriculture was invited to be the speaker to teach the farmers on how to cultivate vermicompost. At the end of the lecture, the team distributed a vermicasts for the participants.

A fruitful week indeed, also for our Barangay Health Workers and Barangay Nutrition Scholars, as they also underwent a Mother's Class Seminar, headed by Ms. Wendelyn Villaflor from the Regional Department of Health. This is to refresh our health workers' minds on how to care for and teach mothers, regarding child nourishment.

Of course, not only do we focus on the health workers, but also on the mothers as well. Those who were given seedlings on one of the team's mother's class, were motivated to plant seeds for their backyard gardens. Months have passed, and now, the team assessed their gardens for the best garden award. Look at those fresh greens!

To end this fun, fruitful week, a Grand Zumba was held for the LourmaHataw Zumba Club. We danced and sweat it off, awarded the Zumba Queens, and celebrated the success of the Zumba Club by sharing food and laughter. Thank you, LourmaHataw Zumba Club for the fun Saturdays we had!
